Friday, January 17, 2020

Starting the Final Task

      Good day, my name is Britania. I am a Cambridge student at Fort Lauderdale High School, taking AICE Media Studies. Being apart of AICE Media Studies, I have learned a plethora of information about the filming world; from the different angles, shots, movements, and editing techniques to learning how to apply the previous to my very own productions. Being in AICE Media Studies have been a fun, learning journey which completely changed my overall perspective on movies, films, and video production as a whole. As of today, January 17th, 2020, I have been in the course for five months now and I have completed two projects thus far— a commercial and a music video. Along with my team mate, I made a commercial advertising Starbucks. A few weeks later, I got together with a new group, (which I plan to work with on this final project) to film a music video. The song of choice which we used was The Lazy Song by Bruno Mars. Hands down, I can express that the music video task is the moment when I learned how to be more creative with my transitions form one scene to the next. With all that I have learned within this course, it is now time for me to apply everything to this final project. I am extremely ecstatic to get into this final project being that it is the first time my work will be viewed and graded by a source other than my very own Media teachers.

      For the final project, I will be working with my friends and trusted team mates, Lesly, Anyeska, and Jazmin. I have worked with them in the past which have been quite successful, therefore I am certain that our final project together will be phenomenal.

Above is a picture of my group mates and I during our planning process. I am the girl to the far left with a big smile on my face.

      Earlier within this week, my Media teacher taught the class the definition of the term pitch. Pitch is a term which describes an idea where a film is encapsulated in twenty-five words or less. Usually one or two sentences. My team mates and I came up with three different pitches. Our first pitch is about a girl who is possessed at an abandoned house. The second pitch is about a serial killer stalking three girls. Our final pitch is about a zombie apocalypse. My team and I are leaning more-so towards the last pitch.

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