Sunday, January 26, 2020

Research Blog: American Psycho

Our group researched, watched, and analyzed the horror film, American Psycho. This movie is about Patrick Batesman who is a wealthy, well educated 27 years old. The thing about him is that he lives a second life as a gruesome serial killer by night. He hides his psychopathic ego from his co-workers, friends, and family. Soon it begins to unravel as the next victim becomes Paul Allen. Soon Patrick Bateman is going to hit rock bottom with his OCD thoughts of murder. 

Common Camera Angles:
The extreme close-ups are used obviously to emphasize on specific details that the directors wants us to see like Bateman’s face and expressions opening a window to his mind or Allen’s body to shows that he is for sure dead, or the case of the pill shot to let the audience know that Patrick is under a pill treatment. The other shots are used depending on the importance of Allen to appear on the shot or not because when Bateman is making the most insightful pint of his speech is not necessary to see Allen. And finally, the angles used are very obvious, mostly high angles for Paul to make the audience feel that he is weak and fragile and low angles for Bateman to show his authority and power. 

The costume was Patrick's usual suit and tie that never seems to change as much. 
In the living room, the lighting is soft but bright. In the bathroom, the lighting is dark and weary when he enters. The makeup being used was the fake blood on Allen and cuts.
The prop was the knife that Patrick Batesman used to kill Allen at the time. This scene is set in Patrick Bateman’s apartment in two places, the living room, and the bathroom. In the living room, we see that everything is mostly black and white, the walls and the pictures on it with a sense of OCD as everything is set perfectly. Nothing out of order. In the living room, we see that all the furniture is covered with white blankets. In the place where Allen has seated the floor is covered with newspapers as his grave. 

Common Sounds in the movie are creepy and eerie music, along with the sound of Freddy Krueger scratching his claws throughout the movie.

Common Editing used was jump cuts, cutaway, eye-line match, fade, and cuts.

Elements of The Genre are the dark, creepy, scary places, disfigurement, dismemberment, jump scares, suspense (anticipation), spooky music and blood and gore.

Elements That I Like were the jump scares, spooky music, and the suspense throughout the movie.

Elements That Did Not Appeal To Me were the overacting, the dark because I could not see exactly everything, and the disfigurement was really gross and had a lot of gore. 

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