Monday, October 28, 2019


      Today my partner and I got together to edit. However, we had to finish filming our Starbucks commercial. That took up majority of my class time but I made sure to use every single second productively. When I was finish filming, I went back upstairs and jumped right on the computer to begin editing. I got our SD card reader, placed the SD card into it, and hooked it up to the desktop. I then signed into the desktop and attempted to open Pinnacle Studios. When I went to open Pinnacle Studios, I received a message that it was not working. Therefore, my classmates and I reported it to our teacher. Our teacher then made a class-wide announcement that Pinnacle Studios is down. Though it is very unfortunate that our editing program is not working, my partner and I do not plan to give up.
      Next class, I will ensure to edit my commercial. For now, my team mate and I dumped our footage into our individual Google Drive. When attempting to dump our footage onto Google Drive, my team mate and I faced some troubles. Our camera displayed the wrong filming date, therefore we were confused of which films belonged to us. While the confusion delayed me, I did get a chance to upload my footage onto my Google Drive. By putting my footage onto my Google Drive, dumping onto Pinnacle Studio will be much easier next class. When I go home, I will make sure to look over my footage and delete the ones which are unnecessary to my commercial.
      The editing techniques I plan to use in my commercial include: insert, fade in, fade out, action match, and jump cut. The type of sounds which would be apart of my Starbucks commercial is dialogue, diegetic sound, and I will edit in a score over specific parts. For instance when the insert of the Starbucks logo is on screen, I will have an instrumental/score playing in the background. I can not wait until next class to begin editing and seeing my vision of this commercial come to life. My partner and I prepared for editing next class by writing down the listed editing techniques stated previously. Due to me not being able to edit today, I will go home and look at videos on how to operate Pinnacle Studios. The purpose of this is to familiarize myself with the software to a greater extent. I am ecstatic to edit next class. I really enjoy this class.

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